Lisbeth Swanson
Oct 19, 2022
The Many Powers of Storytelling #1 Wellbeing
There have been many who have spoken loquaciously of the deep benefits of story both in and beyond school-based education. In our...

Lisbeth Swanson
Jul 28, 2020
Stories for New Zealand’s Children to Hear and Tell
Narrative and non-fiction texts that reach out across the curriculum. Use them to spin threads and weave a cultural narrative into your...

Lisbeth Swanson
Apr 3, 2020
Benefit Blog 1: ORACY
We began 2020 with a post about the benefits of teaching and learning the storytelling way. Our intention was to publish 20 short comment...

Lisbeth Swanson
Apr 30, 2019
StoryWays Literacy - Our new look.
Our website has been updated. Take a look at how we are changing and how we are staying the same. Thank you, to our network of...

Lisbeth Swanson
Apr 29, 2018
Get set, go! Here comes Term 2.
Storytelling Schools has another busy term ahead and we can’t wait to welcome new teachers to training and to our storytelling teacher...