Curriculum Design
A Comprehensive Approach
Our curriculum consultation and design services enable schools to plan and adopt a school-wide storytelling curriculum.
Choose an oral language-driven curriculum design, with the option to add a core book curriculum. Such a creative curriculum will ensure that language-rich literacy learning is accessible to all. It will provide meaningful contexts for content delivery in science, social studies, and our new Aotearoa Histories curriculum, cumulatively embedding core 'big ideas'. We help schools identify their localised curriculum and often write/create storytelling materials unique to a region, community, or school. A well-designed storytelling curriculum can support a school's special character, and deliver values and beliefs education. Options for consultancy or a complete managed design process are available.
Organising learning in this way, around a story curriculum, can be taken as a small-scale change action or as a full restructuring of learning throughout the school, often linking to existing topics in the curriculum.
We can support you with the key steps to teaching and learning the storytelling way, ensuring school leadership and support for teachers underpin your readiness for change. This may include helping you to:
Select the stories for 'storytelling' (listening & speaking).
Plan how teaching will fit around the stories.
Provide planning exemplars.
Consult with and persuade staff on the value of a planned storytelling curriculum.
Build-in mechanisms for management and review of progress. ​
Creating stories for your local curriculum.​
At Storyways Literacy we write an ever-growing collection of stories and non-fiction text to support storytelling in schools. These stories offer a journey through time, telling the tales of this land, its people, creatures and environment. If you are wondering how to implement the new Aotearoa New Zealand’s histories curriculum, Storyways Literacy is steps ahead with stories and the creative method to fully engage learners in this area.